NOISE PARTY - Documentary

A slice of Copenhagen's underground avant-garde noise music scene

It's 8 March. Mother's Day. It's cold af. I am biking around looking for the secret location of the seasonal noise party, organized by a bunch of wonderful artists that don't want fame, don't want rockstars, just want to make NOISE.

I went to a noise party in Copenhagen and made a documentary to share the joy of harsh noise music with you all. I went through a rollercoaster of emotions, from reluctant to excited to annoyed to elated to flabbergasted and everything in between, and I hope my story will resonate with you and shed some light on this beautiful art form.

There are rhythmic noise beats, textural explorations, embodied performances with many (literal) flavours, harsh violent loud blasts of sound, and some interviews with artists and fans of all the above. While it may seem like an aggressive and unhinged community based on its artistic output, it is actually composed of the nicest and friendliest people you can meet, and many people don't realize it.

The movie tells the story better than paragraphs of text can, although I want to also give a shoutout to the "Make a movie in 3 hours during the Oscars challenge 2024" by Joel Haver. a.k.a. "Movies Shot During The Oscars" / it goes by many names. The idea is that instead of watching the 3 hour long Oscars ceremony, you can just make a feature-length movie instead, and release it for free on YouTube. I wasn't going to watch the Oscars anyway, but I like the principle of this challenge so I wanted to participate somehow.

Find the playlist here with more 3h-made movies!